Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring Services

How efficient is the operation of your machines? How long do they actually operate during a shift? How long does their changeover or fault removal take?

Whether it is conveyor belts, industrial robots, hydraulic units, motors, pumps or air systems, the failure of individual components in complex plants can lead to a stop of the entire facility. At each component, various indicators can be used to monitor the condition.

Vibration monitoring, for example, is important for rotating machines, systems and individual parts because vibrations are a typical sign of increasing wear, which ultimately leads to damage and thus failure. Temperature also acts as an important indicator to check the proper machine function. Sensors can be placed to measure the contact temperature on important components such as spindles, bearings or motors, but also temperatures of fluids. Other indicators can also be monitored, depending on the equipment and potential failure modes.

The indicator information gathered by these sensors must be communicated to control systems, supervisory systems or the cloud. And visualization makes monitoring and troubleshooting simpler. The goal is to increase reliability in the automation and digitalization of your production, and ACSE offers the right solution for monitoring your machines and systems. From a simple standardized solution to the mapping of individual complex systems, our condition monitoring solutions set the standard.

Condition Monitoring software in Auckland & Hamilton